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Help FastAPI - Get Help

Do you like FastAPI?

Would you like to help FastAPI, other users, and the author?

Or would you like to get help with FastAPI?

There are very simple ways to help (several involve just one or two clicks).

And there are several ways to get help too.

Star FastAPI in GitHub

You can "star" FastAPI in GitHub (clicking the star button at the top right): ⭐️

By adding a star, other users will be able to find it more easily and see that it has been already useful for others.

Watch the GitHub repository for releases

You can "watch" FastAPI in GitHub (clicking the "watch" button at the top right): πŸ‘€

There you can select "Releases only".

Doing it, you will receive notifications (in your email) whenever there's a new release (a new version) of FastAPI with bug fixes and new features.

Connect with the author

You can connect with me (SebastiΓ‘n RamΓ­rez / tiangolo), the author.

You can:

  • Follow me on GitHub.
    • See other Open Source projects I have created that could help you.
    • Follow me to see when I create a new Open Source project.
  • Follow me on Twitter.
    • Tell me how you use FastAPI (I love to hear that).
    • Hear when I make announcements or release new tools.
  • Connect with me on Linkedin.
    • Hear when I make announcements or release new tools (although I use Twitter more often πŸ€·β€β™‚).
  • Read what I write (or follow me) on or Medium.
    • Read other ideas, articles, and about tools I have created.
    • Follow me to read when I publish something new.

Tweet about FastAPI

Tweet about FastAPI and let me and others know why you like it. πŸŽ‰

I love to hear about how FastAPI is being used, what have you liked in it, in which project/company are you using it, etc.

Vote for FastAPI

Help others with issues in GitHub

You can see existing issues and try and help others, most of the times they are questions that you might already know the answer for. πŸ€“

If you are helping a lot of people on issues you might become an official FastAPI Expert. πŸŽ‰

Watch the GitHub repository

You can "watch" FastAPI in GitHub (clicking the "watch" button at the top right): πŸ‘€

If you select "Watching" instead of "Releases only", you will receive notifications when someone creates a new issue.

Then you can try and help them solving those issues.

Create issues

You can create a new issue in the GitHub repository, for example to:

  • Ask a question or ask about a problem.
  • Suggest a new feature.

Note: if you create an issue then I'm going to ask you to also help others. πŸ˜‰

Create a Pull Request

You can contribute to the source code with Pull Requests, for example:

  • To fix a typo you found on the documentation.
  • To share an article, video, or podcast you created or found about FastAPI by editing this file.
    • Make sure you add your link to the end of the corresponding section.
  • To help translate the documentation to your language.
    • You can also help reviewing the translations created by others.
  • To propose new documentation sections.
  • To fix an existing issue/bug.
  • To add a new feature.

Join the chat

Join the πŸ‘₯ Discord chat server πŸ‘₯ and hang out with others in the FastAPI community.


For questions, ask them in GitHub issues, there's a much better chance you will receive help by the FastAPI Experts.

Use the chat only for other general conversations.

There is also the previous Gitter chat, but as it doesn't have channels and advanced features, conversations are more difficult, so Discord is now the recommended system.

Don't use the chat for questions

Have in mind that as chats allow more "free conversation", it's easy to ask questions that are too general and more difficult to answer, so, you might not receive answers.

In GitHub issues the template will guide you to write the right question so that you can more easily get a good answer, or even solve the problem yourself even before asking. And in GitHub I can make sure I always answer everything, even if it takes some time. I can't personally do that with the chat systems. πŸ˜…

Conversations in the chat systems are also not as easily searchable as in GitHub, so questions and answers might get lost in the conversation. And only the ones in GitHub issues count to become a FastAPI Expert, so you will most probably receive more attention in GitHub isssues.

On the other side, there are thousands of users in the chat systems, so there's a high chance you'll find someone to talk to there, almost all the time. πŸ˜„

You can also financially support the author (me) through GitHub sponsors.

There you could buy me a coffee β˜•οΈ to say thanks. πŸ˜„

And you can also become a Silver or Gold sponsor for FastAPI. πŸ…πŸŽ‰

As you have seen in the documentation, FastAPI stands on the shoulders of giants, Starlette and Pydantic.

You can also sponsor:

Thanks! πŸš€